
Blockchain Technology witnesses an upswing amidst a flurry of cyberattacks in Indonesia

March 13, 2024

Jakarta, 7th March 2024: The upgradation of cybersecurity laws in Indonesia is running on full pace as policy makers got alarmed after 361 million cyber-attacks between January and October 2023. Even after the much-awaited launch of Personal Data Protection Law in 2022, the situation hasn’t completely rectified as most enterprises are still not incorporating the right data security practices.

On the other hand, majority of domestic companies that recently moved to cloud couldn’t implement sharp security measures in parallel with the transition.

Amidst the above developments and rising technology trends in Indonesia, security and blockchain technology providers are now in much demand. Numerous industries are trying to harness the great potential of blockchain in diverse ways. For instance, the healthcare sector is trying to leverage the technology for solving the issue caused by the absence of a universal patient identification system and record management.

The top highlight has been the optimism showed by the Blockchain Association of Indonesia (ABI) towards the enabling technologies for cryptocurrencies. ABI owes it to the impending regulatory oversight of the blockchain sector by the country’s Financial Services Authority (OJK).

“Indonesia witnessed 361 million cyber-attacks between January and October 2023.”

While it’s a trending topic at technology events in Indonesia, the archipelago’s most awaited CIO event, Digital CIO 2024 – Indonesia is going to feature an exclusive session on – “Blockchain Intersection: Exploring the Convergence with AI, IoT, and More”. Visit website: